I Survived a Japanese Game Show!

I usually hate reality TV, document.write(“”); but I stumbled upon this one while channel surfing during my lunch break. I watched a few minutes out of curiosity and it was quite hilarious.

The idea behind this show is pretty simple: ten americans have been selected to participate in a reality TV game show — the funny things is that they have NO idea in which kind of show they are participating — and are send to Japan to compete in Japanese game shows (and we all know how silly and punishing those can be). All this for a chance to win a mere quarter of million dollars.

I’ve seen maybe ten minutes of it. It is funny, but not because of the silly game shows (I pity the poor souls who participate in this humiliation). Most of the participants never left the USA (even their State in some cases), so for them Japan is like they landed on Mars! I am not sure I could take more of it. I’ve recorded it on the PVR to check it later. Just in case!

It runs on ABC Tuesday at 9 PM.

Fantasia is coming!

Fantasia is coming soon and its programming will be unveiled at a press conference June 26th. Soon after, document.write(“”); it will be available for consultation on their web site: www.fantasiafestival.com!

They will also launch the program book at a “Fantasia 2008 Preview Night“ hosted at the Centre St-Ambroise (5080 St-Ambroise, in St-Henri, Montreal) Friday June 27th from 9 PM. Come get your copy, watch this year’s trailers and drink a nice cold St-Ambroise! Admission is free and the program of this 12th edition of the Fantasia Festival is $5. Spread the word!

I’ll give details on the progamming Thursday. Stay tuned!

Bonne Saint-Jean Baptiste!

C’est la Saint-Jean pis je suis encore devant l’ordinateur à travailler… un vrai bourreau de travail! Mais j’m’enverrais bien un bière par example!

It’s the Saint-Jean (one of our National Holidays) and I’m still here working… I guess I’m a workaholic. I’d rather have a couple shots of vodka!

Bonne Saint-Jean tout l’monde!